09/14 – 12/15
IESEG School of Management (in english)
Macroeconomics: Interactive course, Bachelor degree (year 1)
Tools for Microeconomics Analysis: Interactive course, Bachelor degree (year 1)
International Economics and Exchanges: Interactive course, Bachelor degree (year 1)
Contemporary International Economics: Interactive course, Bachelor degree (year 2)

09/12 – 08/14
Université Lille 2 (in french)
Labour economics: Master degree (year 1) in Social and Economic Administration and Social Law
Markets Theory and competition: Bachelor Degree (year 3) in Social and Economic Administration
Imperfect competition and firm strategies: Bachelor Degree (year 3) in Social and Economic Administration
Introduction to Microeconomics: Bachelor Degree (year 1) in Social and Economic Administration
Introduction to Macroeconomics: Bachelor Degree (year 1) in Social and Economic Administration

09/09 – 08/12
Université Lille 1 (in french)
Consumer theory: Bachelor Degree (year 2) in Economics
Money and finance: Bachelor Degree (year 2) in Economics
Financial mathematics: Bachelor Degree (year 1) in Economics